The central vocatinonal college of transport no.2


On 15th February 2007 the Minister of Labour, War Invalids and Social Welfare Ministry signed the Decision no 262/QD- BLDTBXH to establish The Central Vocational College of Transport No2 directly dependent on the Ministry of Transport. The Decision No 1093/QD- BGTVT dated 17th April 2007 and the Decision No 2816/QD- BGTVT dated 17th September 2007 of Minister of Transport Ministry defined the duties , authorities and responsibilities as well as organizational structure of the College

            1. History of the college

– Dates of establishment, decisions and the changing process of the organization as well as the names of the college:

+ On the 8th June 1965 Minister of Transport signed the Decision no 1523/QD to establish Shipbuilding Mechanical Engineering school, under the management of the Department of Mechanics of Transport Ministry. The school’s authority was to train a source of technical workers for the mechanical schools of transport & national defence with total pupils of 200 per year. 18 months’ training duration ( grade 2/7 ) consists of the following careers: ships’shell manufacture, welding, forging and moulding. In 1970 the school changed its training level into grade 3/7(equivalent to 36 months).

+ On 21st December 1984 Minister of Transport Ministry signed the Decision No 336/QD-TCCB-LD to handover management authority from the Department of Mechanics to the Ministry of Transport and the school’s name was changed into Ship Building Mechanical Engineering worker school no.1 Whose duty was to train technical workers at grade 3/7 and skilled high level workers at grade 4/7. The total number of pupils were 800 pupils per year.

+ On 27th August 1992 Minister of Transport Ministry signed the Decision no 336/QD- TCCB- LD to change the school’s name into Technical Professional College of Transport No.2 directly dependent on  the Ministry of Transport.

+ On 6th September 2004, Minister of Transport Ministry signed the Decision no 2646/QD-BGTVT to establish Central Transport College No.2 basing upon The Technical Professional College of Transport No.2. The college’s duty was to train middle-ranking technical cardes of the specialities as below: ship building techology, civil and industrial electricity, ship machinery maintenance and repairing. The college also trained technical workers at grade 4/7, 3/7 with 8 careers of ships’shell manufacture, welding, turning, electricity, metal working, ship machinery, cars & motorbikes and pipeline assembly technology.

+ On 15th February 2007 the Minister of Labour, War Invalids and Social Welfare Ministry signed the Decision no 262/QD- BLDTBXH to establish The Central Vocational College of Transport No2 directly dependent on the Ministry of Transport. The Decision No 1093/QD- BGTVT dated 17th April 2007 and the Decision No 2816/QD- BGTVT dated 17th September 2007 of Minister of Transport Ministry defined the duties, authorities and responsibilities as well as organizational structure of the College. Its duties are to train students and pupils at college vocational level, professional secondary level, secondary vocational level and primary vocational level including specialities as ships’shell manufacture, ship welding, industrial and shipping electrictity, electromechanics technology and diesel engine repairing & maitenance, pipeline assembly technology, motorbikes repairing and assembly, turning, metal work in repair, metal work in manufacture, business accounting, business administration, information technology, land machines driving and other careers upon the society demand.

– Achievement Records given by The Party, The State, The Ministry of  Transport and other Ministries or Departments:

+ In 1982, 1985:  The third- class Labour Order

+ In 1986        :    The challenge banner of the Ministerial Council.

+ In 1994        :    The challenge banner of the Government

+ In1998         :    The second- class Labour Order

+ In 2000        :    The outstanding emulation banner of The Ministry of Transport

                            The first- class Labour Order

+ In 2005        :    The third-class Independence Order

+ In 2006        :    The outstanding emulation banner of The Ministry of Transport

+ In 2007        :    The outstanding emulation banner of The Ministry of Transport

+ In 2008        :    The outstanding emulation banner of The Ministry of Transport

            2. Scale and capability of the college

– Functions, training duties, science researches and other activities :

+ Training technical manpower and professional skill at college vocational level, professional secondary level, secondary vocational level and primary vocational level including specialities as ships building, mechanics, diesel engine, electrictity- electronics, cars & motorbikes, land machines driving, business accounting and information technology. Organizing science researches, applying technical progress, transfering technology, combining studying and producing by designing to build new ships up to 3500 tonnes, improving objectives of training programmes, renovating technology, strengthening the materials, upgrading the cardes and teachers’ qualification, training high technical manpower for the country’s industralization and modernization as well as international integration.

– Organizations and management of the college ( Divisions, training centres, and other units ).

+ 06 professional skill Divisions: Training Division, Division of Students Affairs, Administrative and Organizational Division, Plan-Technique Division, Administration and Life Division, Finance and Accounting Division.

+ 09 faculties: Faculty of ships shell manufacture, Faculty of Welding Technology, Faculty of electricity and electronics, Mechanical Faculty, Faculty of ship machinery, Faculty of Cars and motorbikes, Faculty of information technology, Faculty of Economics, Basic Faculty.

+ 02 Boards: The board of project management: The board of education inspectorate

+ 03 Centers: The Centre of training service and job advising; Driving centre of land machines; Foreign languages – Informatics centre.

+ 01 group directly under college management: Foreign Languages Group

– Training ( current specialities, scale):

+ Ship building Technology (professional secondary level): 100 pupils/year

+ Industrial and Civil electricity (professional secondary level): 100 pupils/year

+ Ship machinery maintenance and repair (professional secondary level): 100 pupils/year

+ Business accounting (professional secondary level): 200 pupils/year

+ Ship machinery exploitation (professional secondary level): 100 pupils/year

+ Technology of ships’shell manufacture(college vocational level, professional secondary level): 880 pupils/year

+ Welding Technology (college vocational level, professional secondary level): 420 pupils/year

+ Industrial Electricity (college vocational level, professional secondary level): 160 pupils/year

+ Ship Electricity (college vocational level, professional secondary level): 80 pupils/year

+ Ship machinery (college vocational level, professional secondary level): 100 pupils/year

+ Cars Technology (college vocational level, professional secondary level): 100 pupils/year

+ Metal work (college vocational level, professional secondary level): 160 pupils/year

+ Metal work in repair (college vocational level, professional secondary level): 100 pupils/year

+ Ship pipe-line system processing and  assembly (college vocational level, professional secondary level): 80 pupils/year

+ Network Administration (college vocational level ): 220 pupils/year

+ Business accounting (college vocational level ): 240 pupils/year

+ B1-B2-C Class Cars Driving (primary vocational level ):  over 1400 pupils/year

– Science reseaches, application and technology tranference (Records  since the establishment of the college, especially after 20 years of renovation):

+ Using 400 tonne ship launching slope to build a ship with its tonnage up to 3200 tons

+ Designing a process of production teaching and studying by building new different cargo ships between 1000 tonnes and 3500 tonnes.

+ Designing and manufacturing the up and down adjustment teaching boards

+ Designing and manufacturing the windlass of the cargoship from 1600tonnes to 3500tonnes.

+ Creative improvements and science themes between 2007 and 2009

·                                06 science themes at Ministerial level

·                                17 science themes at College level

·                                22 technical creative improvements at College level

– International relationship and records:

+ International relationship has been developed and strengthened, training sources for aboard refresher courses and labour export is day by day enlarged. The college is a trusty address in training and making sources for aboard refresher courses in Japan, technical labour and labour export to some labour markets such as: Korea, Republic of Czecho and Japan.

            3. Lecturers and teachers

– Total number of teachers: 234 (female: 89)

– Qualification:

+ Master Degree: 26

+ University Degree:141(14 teachers of whom are attending Master courses)

+ College Degree: 03

+ Secondary Degree, vocational teachers, technical high level workers: 11

+ Other Degree: teachers of cars driving: 62

All teachers’qualification is standardized and overstandardized to meet the need of training duties at different levels basically.

            4. Teaching and studying materials of the college

– Land area : 180.893 m2

– Classrooms :41 rooms located in 2852m2

– Large classrooms : 290m2

– Workshop : 4372m2

– Working offices : 25 offices( 450 m2 )

– Hostels : 87 rooms ( 2662m2)

            5. The Party organization and other associations of the college.

– The college’s Party committee consists of 11 cells with the total number of 141 members

– The college’s Trade Union is divided into 14 partial organizations with 308 union members.

– Ho Chi Minh communist youth Union has 06 major faculty youth union branches; 01 branch for young cards and teachers working with other thousands of students and pupils’ branches.

            6. Strategy for the college’s development (vision) to 2020

– Renovating management, enlarging training scale, continuously renovating the contents and teaching methods to upgrade training quality to meet the demand of the society; integrating actively into the region and the world. Training scale to 2020 is up to 15000 students.

– Pushing up the speed of the project for college enlargement; investing modern machines and facilities in training so as to build up a nationally and internationally standardized college.

– Upgrading the current college into a University of Technology in the future.